“I miss being on set, let’s make a movie,” I recall Jill Lewis telling me over the phone one afternoon. Without thinking I responded, “Funny thing you should say that; I just wrote a film called Migrants and because you’re one of them, you’d be great to head it up,” Jill then rolled out one of her signature and contagious laughs!
Now before you get all worked up, as for ‘because you’re one of them’ I was referring to Jill’s passion for Spanish speaking music ministry and her amazing network of Latino friends. I knew there was no way of shooting this film in West Virginia, so I was grateful that Jill enthusiastically accepted.
And boy did Jill deliver! She pulled together one of the greatest diverse cast every seen in a JCFilms Studios movie. I had a chance to visit the set and she really told a great story.
Every so often, we just want to recognize some of the tremendous talent the Lord has placed in our paths here at JCFilms Studios. One such person is Jill Lewis.
Jill (and her husband Robby) have been involved with JCFilms Studios from day one when we opened shop in Central Florida. Since then, Jill has been actively involved in each of the Orlando Production Club film projects.
But in Migrants, she was an actor, producer, and co-director. In addition, Jill added so many great new scenes to the original script and a comedy flair that was desperately needed.
Jill is so talented in front and behind the camera, so for all her hard work in making Migrants a reality in eight days, we thank you!
It’s wonderful ,I’m Jennifer of the king of esmeralda
Thanks Jill, Jason, Jessica and all the actors and crew. Patricia & I were blessed to be there! May God bless the message of “Migrants!”
Hearing about Jill has really motivated me, knowing if God helped her, he will help me. Congratulations Jill and thank you Jc Films for sharing. To God be the Glory
Wow! I'm humbled and so grateful!
It was an honor and indescribable pleasure. Thank you so much, and I want to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to my entire team and all who were involved!
To God be the glory!!!!!