We have a saying here at JCFilms Studios that is wildly used, “I don’t know, ask Shelia?” Or, my personal favorite, “Don’t worry about, Shelia has already taken care of it!”
Every so often, we just want to recognize some of the tremendous talent the Lord has placed in our paths here at JCFilms Studios. One such person is Sheila Hogle.
Sheila is the reason for the huge success and growth JCFilms Studios has experienced over the past few years. From launching and maintaining the JC+ streaming platform and mobile applications, helping in all of our Georgia productions, to daily assisting all of our 27 Production Clubs and supplying them with needed information.
Jason Campbell, President of JCFilms Studios recalls a funny story, "About two years ago, I started noticing all our members around the country wearing JCFilms Studio T-shirts. Everyone had one, except me. I remember asking, 'where do I get one?' The reply of course was, 'ask Shelia.'"
She does so much behind the scenes for our film ministry. And behind the scenes is where she likes to be. For instance, it took us an hour to just find pictures of her to post in this announcement.
With over 20 films in production, Shelia is not only the glue that keeps everything running but the creative inspiration for our future. Thank you Shelia Hogle for all you do for JCFilms Studios