Did you know JCFilms Studios hosts FIVE nationally recognized faith and family film festivals and conferences every year? These festivals are part of our CHRISTIAN FILM EVENTS and are organized with a goal to educate and challenge Christian filmmakers.
This years, Florida Family Film Festival scheduled for May 13th and 14 in Orlando is designed a bit different.
Bobby Lacer, National Director for the JCFilms Production Clubs explains, “Before the summer hits and all our Productions Clubs get busy making films, we felt this is a great opportunity for everyone to get together and reconnect with each other.”
During this two-day event those attending have their choice of:
· Watching wonderful faith & family films.
· Attending various workshops on film production.
· Learn from others on growing your Production Club.
· Even a BBQ networking social is planned.
In addition, the JCFilms team will be creating special events just for their Production Club Members across the United States.
To purchase tickets to the event {Click Here}
If you are a MEMBER of the JCFILMS PRODUCER’S CLUB the event is FREE! If you’d like to join the PRODUCER’S CLUB and save $75 join {CLICK HERE}
A special DINNER EVENT with actor Dean Cain has been added to the Itinerary. Anyone interested in attending this dinner will need to purchase a separate ticket by {CLICKING HERE}
Florida Festival Itinerary
Official Film Selections will be shown on church property throughout the day.
11AM - Registration Opens
11:30 – Orientation
12PM - JCFilms PRODUCER CLUB Member Mixer
1PM - How to start a Production Club?
2PM - How to Fundraise for a film?
4PM - How to turn your book into a film?
5PM – JCFilms Production Club Dinner.
Join the ORLANDO Production Club that will be hosting a Dinner for all Production Club members.
8AM – Prayer Breakfast
Donuts and Coffee Served
10AM - Teen Acting Class.
11AM - How to get the part?
12PM - BBQ Networking Lunch
1PM - Script writing 101
2PM - Shooting you film?
3PM - Adult Acting Workshop
6PM - VIP Dinner with Q&A with Dean Cain
Dinner Included - Not included with General Admission. Everyone must buy a ticket!
7:30 PM - Premiere Screening of Dean Cain's Newest Film
9PM - Festival Concludes
To learn more please visit www.ChristianFilmEvents.com.