JCFilms Studios is honored to announce the actor that portrayed the Blue Time Force Ranger in the hugely popular Power Rangers franchise has signed on to support the mission of JCFilms Studios.
Michael Copon is an American actor known for a variety of film and television roles including that of Lucas Kendall in Power Rangers: Time Force and Felix Taggaro in One Tree Hill.
Michael explains, "In unity with JCFilms Studios, we are not merely co-creators of cinema, but humble instruments in God's hands, striving to illuminate the path of faith, hope, and love for all who encounter our work."
Michael is sold out in not only making faith-based films but helping young people find ways to get more involved in Christian entertainment.
Michael will be making his debut with JCFilms Studios this September in the movie The Karate Princess. Stunt coordinators on the project are eager to learn a few ‘Power Rangers’ tricks during production.
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