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New Club Alert:  Frisco, Texas

Several months ago, JCFilms Studios’ Executive Director, Jessica Adams and Advisory Board Member, Jason Jeske visited the Transformational Film Institute (TFI) in Frisco, Texas. 


Their report back was nothing less than amazing! 


TFI is a Faith-Based apprentice film program that helps Christian filmmakers sharpen their skills in training them to create faith and family content.  Through their amazing program, Christ followers and storytellers can learn the trade of filmmaking in a college setting.


As you can imagine, JCFilms Studios was eager to get more involved with their film ministry and in building a partnership.  TFI was founded by award winning journalist and filmmaker, Richard Polite. 


“Richard has a passion for preparing this next generation of Christian filmmakers; his goals in providing young people the opportunity to get more involved in faith films echoes our mission,” said Jessica Adams, Executive Director, JCFilms Studios.


The new JCFilms Studios Frisco, Texas Production Club is gearing up for several joint film projects and in finding ways to utilize their well-trained students on upcoming JCFilms Studios’ feature films.


To learn more about the JCFilms Studios Frisco, Texas Production Club, CLICK HERE.

For more information about Transformational Film Institute (TFI), CLICK HERE.



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